Board of Management

The Board of Management has overall responsibility for the school including finance, maintenance, staffing and the development of the school plan and policies. The Board comprises of two nominees of the Patron, two elected parents, two community representatives, the principal and a teacher nominee. The Patron of our Board of Management is Archbishop of Dublin. The Patron appoints the Chairperson of the Board. The term of office for the Board of Management is 4 years. The term of the current Board of Management is December 2023 – November 2027.

Our current Board members are:

Name Position
Mr.  John Mitchell Chairperson – Patron’s Nominee
Other Members
Ms. Ann Garrigan Patron’s Nominee
Ms. Jennifer Cherry Community Nominee
Mr. Eddie Carroll Community Nominee
Mr. Sean McKeown Principal
Mr. Darragh Kilkenny Teacher Nominee
Mr. Stephen White Parent’s Nominee
Ms. Marie Carey Parent’s Nominee