Parent-Teacher Meetings

St Francis Xavier Senior School recognise that a good open relationship with mutual respect between parents and teachers is of vital importance in promoting the proper development of each child in the school. Our pupil’s learning and development is at the centre of all our endeavours.

Formal Parent/Teacher Meeting

Formal Parent/Teacher meetings are held once a year for all classes. Where possible, they will be held in the first term, towards the end of November for all classes.  These meetings are initiated by the school staff and details regarding time, etc. are worked out by the class teacher, in consultation with parents. Booking slots will be released through the Aladdin Connect App.

Informal Meetings

If a parent wishes to arrange a meeting at any stage during the year to discuss their child, they are invited do so by prior appointment.

If a parent wishes to speak with a teacher, an appointment must be made by phoning the school secretary or by writing a note to the teacher in the child’s Homework Diary, giving at least one day’s notice. This is to ensure no undue disruption of a class.

To assist the teacher in preparing for this meeting, parents are asked to indicate the purpose of the meeting – whether it be a curricular, behavioural or social matter – so the teacher can be prepared and have the relevant information at hand to assist with the meeting.

Meetings with the class teachers at the class door to discuss a child’s concern/progress are not suitable for the following reasons:

  • Teachers cannot adequately supervise their class while at the same time speaking to a parent.
  • It is difficult to be discreet when others (parents/pupils) are standing close by.
  • It can be embarrassing for a child when his/her parent is talking to staff at a classroom door.

Occasions occur where a parent needs to speak to a staff member urgently. Sometimes these meetings need to take place without prior notice. The school will aim to facilitate such meetings making every effort to ensure that the children in the class do not lose out on any of the teaching/learning time.